Happy endings need not exist just in fairy-tales. Fairy-tales have the beauty of always giving one a simpler, newer perspective of things, a transformation of ideology from “I wish” to “I will” and a belief in trust, kindness, goodness, hope and love.
What Harry Potter Taught Me About Grief
I have read the Harry Potter series countless number of times, and each time I revisit it, I feel like I have stumbled upon a new gem of wisdom. When I was in college, a classmate of mine told me that reading Harry Potter helped her come to terms with he ...
Misconceptions about Therapy: Busting the Myths
Millions of people all around the world face issues pertaining to mental health. In 2011, as per the WHO Report, India recorded the highest rate of major depression in the world at thirty-six percent. According to doctors, roughly ten percent o ...
The Wreckage of Sleep by Coronavirus – And Steps To Combat It
It’s past four a.m. as I type this, and no matter how hard I try, sleep completely eludes me. This is, probably, the sixth or seventh night in a row when I haven’t been able to fall asleep at a sane hour. Not being able to fall asleep on a consistent, da ...