"If you were to die today, what would you want written on your epitaph?" I must admit that the first time I was asked this question, I was quite startled. I am 30 old, perfectly hale and hearty and I have many years to go before I can even think of dy ...
Accepting Yourself & Your Body: You Can Be You!
In today’s time, it can seem like our happiness depends on others. There was a point of time when I did not know a bigger people-pleaser in the world than me. I found it hard to say “no”, did whatever was asked just to be liked, without honouring my own ...
I Am A Therapist And #IHaveATherapist
Today, while I was scrolling through Facebook, I noticed a photo posted by a colleague of mine. She was posing holding up a poster that read: “I am a therapist and #ihaveatherapist”. She came from a space of wanting to spread awareness that seeking help ...
The Masks We Wear
Keeping it together has always been my thing. No matter how strong the adversity, I am well-known for being the calm in the face of a storm. Even during really difficult times, I’ve often caught myself saying, “It’s okay. I am okay.” Whenever someone come ...
Inner Peace: How to be at Peace and not in Pieces
Kung Fu Panda 2 is my all-time favourite animated movie. It’s about Po’s journey to self-discovery, and how he attains inner peace. Inner peace sounds like such a heavy word, doesn’t it? After watching the movie, one thing that became clear was that wh ...